Sound & Image Movie for TECHNOLOGY DAYS
Consulting, Creation & Strategy, Sound Design, Music, Sound Branding, Marketing, Advertising, New Media Design, Interactive, Media-Enhanced Scenography, UX / IX / IA / UI Design
Sound Desgin, Music, Motion Design, Motion Graphics, TECHNOLOGY DAYS, Branding

Sound & Image Movie for TECHNOLOGY DAYS / Music and Sound Design

Sound & Image Movie for TECHNOLOGY DAYS

Posted by aconica admin in Audiovisual, Sound Design, Video

We created and produced the music and sound design for Hamm AG`s (Wirtgen Group) Technology Days Event and their new image movies. The Technology Days organized by the Wirtgen Group are an international industry rendezvous at which the Group presents its extensive range of products and services, as well as application technologies meeting practical needs and gives an exclusive preview of the latest machine highlights. This year’s event from September 25 – 26 has been hosted by Hamm AG.

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29 Sep 2014